
Green House Vegetarian Food 6/11/2010

After enjoyed too much of meat food, I went to have some vegetarian food to stabilize my tongue.
This vegetarian restaurant located in Miharja area(behind UE3 building). I don't know the exact name of this restaurant, it just a.k.a "Green House".

 You guys must try this if you going there- Rojak Toufu.
This "snack" food Tou Fu is hand made and self made. You could taste the real taste of tou fu. 

 She'd ordered "Thai style chicken rice". That "chicken" ingredient was more than meet the "mouth"...wakaka

I ordered green curry mee as my lunch meal. You guys also must try this out. This is one of the most famous food in the restaurant. Hand made mee with special ingredient green curry. Never try, never know ; Once you tried, you never let go...

1 条评论:

JinRaiXin 说...

I'll go and try later. (^_^)d