
quarrel with my gf

how come today she n me r moody?

actually when i see her angry on me with small little business, i wil started to think bout it y we r 2geter.

she dun even understand wat i'm trying to tell her actually. she owes little thing oso wanna angry on me.

but wat she did to me owes like vy small little thing 1? is it i really small gas or actually she knt stand with me anymor?

haiz... actually knot says tat i hav no feeling on her, 2geter edi so long time so if want break in short period i still wil broken heart lo....

but if dun break, how i'm going to b single and available again? i wish to be single right now bcz sometimes i really lazy to entertaint her. since when i gt tis feeling ar?????? i mysel oso duno bout it.

if i really break with her, i duno wat feeling tat i should have bcz besides sad, i wil oso happy tat i change back to single and i can do wat i wanna do and i can save mor money for my dream.

i think if tis time she wanted to break wit me, i better follow her decition lo, bcz today i ask her whether she love me onot, she denied to answer my question. actually she did like tis edi broken my heart since de answer is nt i want to hear.moody dayz~

today i gt a lousy party tat i ever attend at Patricia house. i met 2 hot chicks. dey kinda silence all de time. may be dey still duno us deeper.. atlast we request their phone number at car park god damn sia sui leh.. when we chasing to ask them, dey keep on running to the place they parking. then MR.GARY, MS, YAU and MS PAT saw all the procedure we had done. Huan, Adam n me really feel embarrencing la...next time no chance to meet them anymor~

1 条评论:

理智的,感性的,糊涂的,任性的,还是...... 说...

dun make any desicion when u r moody... coz there will be higer chances that u will make the wrong decision.

btw, she denied to answer the question, may be that time she wasnt in good mood... if follow her mood she wanna say that she doesnt love u.. but in fact she still love u... so, denied to answer is the best way...

anyway, u must think carefully... do u sure that u really wanna back to single life?